China Denies Being a Threat, Opposes Exclusive Groupings as Response to Defense Spending Increase

After the federal government announced plans for a significant increase in defence spending, China retaliated against Australia, citing concerns that the increase might not be sufficient. China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said China is committed to peaceful development and a national defense policy that is defensive in nature.

We stay committed to the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region and the wider world, and pose no threat to any country. The security risks in the region mainly come from some major countries outside the region. They have been forming exclusive groupings, stoking bloc confrontation, and in particular, muddying the waters in the South China Sea, as if the world needed any more instability. China firmly opposes it. We hope Australia will correctly view China’s development and strategic intentions, abandon the Cold-War mentality, do more things to keep the region peaceful and stable, and stop buzzing about China.

In a major speech on Wednesday, Defence Minister Richard Marles unveiled a $330 billion investment programme and a national defence strategy. He also disclosed that an additional $5.7 billion would be spent over the following four years.Mr. Marles described the largest increase in military spending since 1949, including a rise in spending on ships and shipbuilding.

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"History will judge us not by what we say, but by what we do, and you can only do if you properly fund," Mr Marles told the National Press Club.

The plan comes after a defence strategic review that was published a year ago concluded that the Australian Defence Force was no longer necessary.

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