🗞️ Victorian man charged with alleged visa breach

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A man who was born in Sudan made his court appearance in Melbourne Magistrates Court yesterday, April 18, 2024, where he was accused of violating the curfew requirements imposed by his visa and of neglecting to keep a monitoring device. After locating the 45-year-old man in Melbourne, the AFP charged and arrested him yesterday, April 18, 2024. The man was accused of violating the terms of his Commonwealth visa on April 17 and 18, by neglecting to reside at the address on file and by letting his monitoring device die.

The accused person is accused of: Section 76C(1) of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) charges one person for violating curfew requirements, and Section 76D(3) of the same Act charges one person for violating the requirement to maintain the functionality of his monitoring device. He was given bail, and his next court date is May 22, 2024. A maximum sentence of five years in prison and a fine of $93,900 are imposed for each offence.

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