“We don't go into journalism to be popular. It is our job to seek the truth and put constant pressure on our leaders until we get answers.”

- Helen Thomas

About us

Mencari is a digital media outlet that is committed to uncompromising journalism and always seeks the truth in order to address the important questions. Founded by Miko Santos, a movement advocating for unfiltered news & Counter-Disinformation.

Mencari - which is an Indonesian word that is made up of the prefix "meN" and the root word "cari," meaning "to search" or "to look for."

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Mencari s Australia’s first crowdsourced news network, driven by uncompromising and fact-based journalism. Powered by an international community of writers, photographers, videographers, and storytellers who share their discoveries and stories about Australia and the world.

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Our goal is to give more information about a news story that is going around among young Australians. We don’t want to just give you the news, we aim to promote critical thinking, self-reflection, and empathy to encourage informed decision-making.

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We want to support freedom of speech by doing responsible, independent reporting, following high standards for how the media works, giving the public access to information of public interest, and letting people use the platform to say what they want.

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Details about the editorial team

miko santos

Miko Santos, who has over 20 years of experience in radio, TV, and newspapers, is the editor.

Miko holds a journalism BA and a cybersecurity postgraduate degree. He was a journalist and feature writer in Australia, New Zealand, and the Philippines. covering major events for GMA 7, including the 2011 Christchurch Killer Earthquake and EDSA 2 and 3.

Before moving to New Zealand in 2006, he worked for a year as a public relations account manager in Thailand. An MSNBC public relations firm used one of the author's videos in 2009 for the network campaign "Declaration of Forward." In 2012, podcast production began.

Miko has received nominations for numerous online awards over the years and 2021 Australia Podcast Awards Judge.

He is also the editor at large of Podwires.com and a proud member of Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance(MEAA), Podcast Workers Australia (PWA), International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) and National Press Club of the Australia (NPC).

You can get title sponsorships every month. For more information, please get in touch with editor@readmencari.com There are additional ways for you to help us.

"Us" or "we" refers to Kangaroofern Media Lab Pty Ltd, the company that publishes this website.

Policy on Corrections

Requests for clarification or correction are appreciated at newsdesk@readmencari.com

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Mencari is a digital media outlet that is committed to uncompromising journalism and always seeks the truth in order to address the important questions. Founded by Miko Santos, a movement advocating for unfiltered news & Counter-Disinformation.
The Evening Post AU/Podwires Correspondent
Independent Journalist | A former RMN reporter | A former GMA 7 foreign stringer | Podcaster | Contact : mikosantos@podwires.com
The Evening Post AU correspondent. Based in Sydney, Australia